
EduSystems. Innovation in system project management

EduSystems is engaged in the management and operation of large-scale projects in the public sector that include characterization, development, operation and control in many areas and in particular in the areas of education, training, community and culture.

EduSystems leads innovation in the management of systemic, multidisciplinary projects and in fact constitutes the executive arm of government ministries for strategic projects.

  • Operation and control

    EduSystems outsources complex operations and logistics projects nationwide, employs advanced work methods and develops customized technology systems for government ministries, local authorities and government companies.
    In addition, the company operates control projects, both external and internal, including: reviewing contracts, analyzing complex data, procurement and accounting.
  • Education and pedagogy

    EduSystems has extensive experience in activities with the headquarters of the Ministry of Education and in-depth activities in schools, in the development, management and accompaniment of educational and pedagogical processes.
    The main services in the field of education include: preparation and training for matriculation exams, accompaniment and development of pedagogical processes, content development and assimilation in schools, daycare centers and summer camps and development of technologies adapted to the needs of process control.
  • Training and deployment

    EduSystems develops dedicated training systems that include: development of training kits, development of computer-integrated training, development of remote training and more.
  • Information Systems

    EduSystems integrates information systems dedicated to the needs of the project and the customer in the project management processes. The process includes: characterization, improvement, establishment of a database, implementation, support and accompaniment.
    EduSystems is a franchisee of the Ministry of Education for technological systems and is the exclusive representative in the Middle East of a European company for scheduling software and pedagogical management software that includes attendance, grades, certificates, content and more in all languages ​​and all sectors.

    כתובתSapir School, Yad Harutsim Street 11, Netanya