Rashim. Empowering Learning with a Leading Management System
“Rashim‘ – Information Systems Ltd”, is a leading company in providing computer solutions in the field of academic management for institutions of higher education and management of training and qualifications in organizations.
The solutions provided by Heads make it possible to efficiently and progressively manage any organization that deals with education or training. The company’s clients include dozens of academic bodies, including: Ariel University, Beit Berl College, Lewinsky College, Sapir College, the Kibbutzim Seminar, the Holon Institute of Technology and more.
The heads solution is also implemented in large training bodies such as the National Police College and the Airports Authority and thanks to it these bodies manage their training system on its various aspects: Gantt training and events management, college resource management, training facilities management, study materials, exams and certifications, comprehensive database Of the thousands of campers and more.